"Speak Up"
Becoming a Self-Advocate
Course Introduction & Description
The Wisconsin Transition Improvement Grant (TIG) welcomes you to “Speak Up” Becoming a Self-Advocate!! This is a revision of the long standing self-advocacy curriculum: “On Becoming a Self-Advocate”. This revised resource will become part of the Wisconsin Suite of Self Advocacy Resources.
Through the “Speak Up” Becoming a Self Advocate curriculum students will learn important skills and knowledge, including:
This SCOPE AND SEQUENCE gives an overview of the curriculum. The curriculum is divided into 11 Learning Plans which you can access by clicking on the tabs to the left. Each Learning Plan’s learning objectives are aligned with the Wisconsin Standards for English Language Arts in all Subjects 6-12 and the Wisconsin Essential Elements. Each learning plan includes:
The original curriculum was created by Lisa Hebgen through the Wisconsin Statewide Transition Initiative (WSTI)
Contributing members of revision team: Jennifer Hintz: Wausau School District; Jana Wiegandt: North Fond du Lac High School, Samantha Frame: Holmen School District; Shelley Lehman: Rhinelander School District; Kristine North: New Auburn School District; Katie Barofsky: UW Madison Graduate Fellowship Program, and Transition Improvement Grant (TIG): Kathy Tuttle: Northern Regional Coordinator; Jen Hilgendorf: Southeastern Regional Coordinator; Brian Kenney: Southern Regional Coordinator; Brenda Swoboda: Western Regional Coordinator; Pam Jenson: TIG Project Coordinator; Lisa VanDyke: Administrative Assistant.
The Transition Improvement Grant (CFDA #84.027) acknowledges the support of the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction in the development of this website and for the continued support of this federally-funded grant program. There are no copyright restrictions on this document; however, please credit the Wisconsin DPI and support of federal funds when copying all or part of this material. [34 CFR Sec. 75.620]